Lilypad’s Logic

So I’m sure most of you have seen a cat meme or 2. They’ve basically taken over the Internet. My favourites are the “cat logic” ones although not all of them relate to my kitten Lily. Our friends call her “dog” mainly because she behaves like one – she will lick you, jump on you and want to play fetch (you will do the fetching).

I’ve decided to put together a little something called… Lilypad’s Logic.


Her playtime is at 2am when you’re in a deep sleep and you’re suddenly pulled out of your blissful dream by a savage cat biting your toes. Sanvir has it the worst, being a tall person his toes always stick out of the bed, this is just target practice for her.


Lily is quite a vocal feline and cries for attention, when you finally succumb to her whining – she goes into attack mode. I have the scars to prove it. She has a knack for running after my ankles and nipping at them.


She is thee most affectionate kitten at all the wrong times, these include but are not limited to, when I’m showering (she sits outside the shower door and meows uncontrollably), on the toilet, brushing my teeth, putting my makeup on or trying to nap. God forbid you lock her out of the bathroom, she wails like like you stole her candy.


Lily is an indoor cat, I’ve tried exposing her to nature but she hates it. Sanvir says she has a “Bryanston cat” mentality. I bought her a leash and attempted to walk her, I ended up carrying her the whole way. She was terrified of the grass and refused to let her delicate paws touch it. Since she’s been indoors for most of her little life, she hasn’t picked up the skills of a normal cat, for example… jumping and climbing. She’s too scared to jump off the arm of the couch and meows until we show her how to get down. If she ever feels like she can’t see anything happening on the counter, she politely let’s you know by giving off a little meow for you to pick her up.


Her favourite game is hide-and-seek. I hide, she seeks.

Apparently I play this game a lot, without my knowledge. I’ll innocently walk out of a room and be ambushed.


She loves to play fetch, but I have to throw the ball AND fetch it. She just runs alongside it. It’s not that fun, trust me. When she’s tired, she flops down and it’s game over.


She will sleep in anything! I mean anything, from boxes to bags to cupboards. Packing with her around is pressurising. I have to fit as many things as I can into the bag, before she finds it. If she falls asleep in it then too bad, I’m packing around her. She once snuck into my cupboard and fell asleep, the door closed and she never noticed until the next morning when we searched for her for about an hour. She eventually sleepily meowed to be rescued.

Ive realised she has more attidude than  a teenage girl;
She loves the wet food pouches but just for the gravy.
She loves to be brushed but only if you let her bite the brush first.
She wants exactly 3 belly rubs, any more and you will be bitten.
She will love you, on her own terms.

She’s full of attitude but she’s also the cutest, furriest kitty around. We wouldn’t trade her for the world. Watching her run into the glass sliding door never gets old😂


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